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Compared to Other Authenticators


  • Blind Authentication, no transaction context


  • Blind Authentication, no transaction context
  • Can be stolen (no extra key required)

Security Key/Token

  • Requerem compra de hardware adicional caro
  • não é pratico
  • pode ser perdido
  • custo elevado para oferecer aos clientes
  • não intuitivo

SMS Token

  • SIM Cloning: Intercept SMS messages on ilegitimate phone
  • Rogue BTS: GSM fake antenas intercept comms
  • Malicious Apps: Intercept SMS on the legitimate phone

Matrix Card

  • Can be stolen or copied (no extra key required).
  • Matrix encryption model is not secure (many short keys, easy internal attacks)
embedded solution

TrustFactor can be embedded into a Client App, enhancing the user experience (UX), which is not possible with any of the other options.


Multi-Factor AuhtenticationTrustFactorSoft-TokensHard-TokensSecurity KeysSMS TokensMatrix Card
Knowledge Factor
Possession Factor
Inheritance Factor
Location Factor
Phishing Safe | Zero Input
UI/UX Customization
CAPEX: Investment Cost$$$$$$$$$$$$
OPEX: Usage Cost$$$$$$$$$$$
Cost per Authentication

Cost estimated based on 300 k users and 10 M authentication per Year.