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Key Features


  • By eliminating passwords, there's nothing sensitive for attackers to steal
  • TrustFactor reduces the need to store sensitive information. As a result, the overall attack surface area is minimized, making your code, applications, websites, and user base less susceptible to attacks

Phishing Safe | Mobile First | Zero Input

  • No manual input (code, username, etc) or transmission to authenticate sensitive operations online


  • Implementing native biometric authentication on your website or app is straightforward
  • TrustFactor enables you to display a biometric prompt on any Windows, Mac, Android, or iOS device with biometric capabilities
  • TrustFactor never stores or manages biometric data
  • All biometric information is kept on the local device and is managed by the operating system of the user's mobile device or computer. This approach is cryptographically secure and reliable, as it avoids direct handling of biometric data

TrustFactor is Unique per Installation

  • A digital certificate on each smartphone helps prevent client denial, allowing to identify the exact Smartphone and client authorizing each operation

Audit Trail and Non-Repudiation

  • TrustFactor generates comprehensive audit trails and transaction proofs, ensuring traceability and non-repudiation, providing evidence of transaction details, including timestamps and cryptographic signatures, which can be utilized in dispute resolution and legal proceedings

Safe Channel | All communications in TrustFactor are Encrypted

  • Using state-of-the-art encryption algorithms
  • Provides end-to-end protection for user data and transactional information
  • Only the correct Smartphone can decrypt them
  • Ensures that sensitive information remains confidential and secure throughout the entire process

Intuitive and Universal

  • As of 2024, smartphone penetration worldwide is estimated to be around 80-85% of the global population
  • Approximately 55-60% of all internet traffic is generated through mobile devices, including smartphones