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How Does TrustFactor Work

When TrustFactor is implemented, the operation process (transaction, login, etc) is divided into two or more steps, each corresponding to an authentication factor.

Here is a glance at how TrustFactor works:

1. Users performs transactions on the Bank App/Home Banking (which notifies TrustFactor)
2. Using the TrustFactor (for a standalone version) or the own Bank App (for a embedded solution), users can decide to Approve/Decline the transaction
3. On the Bank App/Home Banking, the transaction is executed or not according to the User’s decision

Inheritance and Location factors

The user may need to pass a fingerprint scan or use another biometric method.
The transaction location will also be analyzed, and if there is any inconsistency, TrustFactor will alert the user.


Detailed flows for each of the TrustFactor processes are documented in the Features Section.

TrustFactor Integration/Flow Overview