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Transaction Decision

The TrustFactor transaction decision process allows users to securely decide on transactions. Upon receiving a push notification, the user reviews transaction details and decides on the transaction, all from the TrustFactor app.

Key Steps

  • User taps on the push notification on their device, which triggers a request to retrieve transaction details from the TrustFactor API.
  • The user reviews the transaction details on their device and makes a decision on the transaction.
  • The decision is sent to the TrustFactor API, which validates if the transaction is still decidable.
  • Upon validation, a callback is sent to the application notifying it of the transaction decision.
  • The application displays a UI showing the transaction's decision. If the transaction was accepted, the original action (e.g., bank transfer) is completed.


  • User already has TF App opened and authenticated
  • User is on the "Transaction Details" screen on TF App

After transaction creation the user will receive a push notification on his TF Agent notifying him of the new transaction. After transaction details review (transaction description, parameters, etc) the user is prompted for a decision: Accept or Decline.

Transaction Creation and Decision Flow Demonstration

Create and decide a Generic Transaction

Create and visualize notification type transaction