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Contract Share

Allow users to Share its contracts with another device through the TrustFactor app to securely authenticate transactions on multiple devices.

Key Steps

  • The user initiates the contract sharing process by selecting the "Contract Sharing" option in the TrustFactor application.
  • The TrustFactor app on the receiving device generates a QR code using the TrustFactorAPI.
  • The QR code is displayed to the user on the receiving device.
  • The user scans the QR code using the TrustFactor app on the sending device.
  • The TrustFactor app on the sending device parses and encrypts the contract private keys.
  • The TrustFactorAPI sends a push notification to the receiving device containing the encrypted contract private keys.
  • The user acknowledges the new contracts on the receiving device.
  • The TrustFactorAPI notifies the application of the new association through a callback.
  • The application responds with a 2xx HTTP code to confirm the contract sharing.
  • The TrustFactorAPI receives a confirmation of the contract sharing through a callback response.
  • The TrustFactor app on the receiving device displays a success message to the user.

The contract share flow consists in two stages:

A - User initiates the contract sharing process


  • User already has TF App opened and authenticated in both devices
  • Emitter device has contracts registered

B - TrustFactor generates a sharing code


  • User already has TF App opened and authenticated

Contract Share Flow Demonstration


The Trustfactor App setup is only needed in the first time that the user boots up the application. Further registrations do not need the setup.