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Contract Registration

The TrustFactor enrollment process enables an application user to securely enroll into TrustFactor for transaction authentication. The process involves the user interacting with the application, TrustFactor SDK/API and the TrustFactor mobile application.

Key Steps

  • The user initiates the process by choosing to enroll in TrustFactor from within the application.
  • The application, utilizing TrustFactor's SDK, checks if the user is already enrolled.
  • If the user is not already enrolled, the application requests a registration QR Code or deeplink from TrustFactor's API.
  • The user scans the QR Code or taps the deeplink using the TrustFactor mobile application.
  • The TrustFactor mobile app generates a key-pair and shares the public key with TrustFactor's cloud services.
  • Upon receiving the public key, TrustFactor's services call the registerCallbackURL to notify the application.
  • If the application responds with a successful HTTP code, TrustFactor confirms the successful enrollment to the user via the mobile app and the application.

The user enrollment flow consists in two stages:

A - Registration Code Creation


  • User is already authenticated in Internet Banking / App Client

During this process the client's application asks TrustFactor for a new registration code in order to enroll a new user with TrustFactor.
In order to create the said registration code the application must specify an Username and an UserID which doesn't need to be a legal name and/or an internal user ID (ie: bank account number).

B - Contract Registration


  • User already has TF App opened and authenticated

TF Agent will generate a cryptographic key pair and share it's public key after scanning the QR Code which contains a Registration Code Unique ID. If the registration is successful the Username, User ID, Device ID and Contract Public Key will be stored on TrustFactor database. TrustFactor will also send a callback to the application notifying it of a new contract enrollment containing the Contract Details and Device Details.

Contract Registration (User Enrollment) Flow Demonstration

Registration using the QR Code


The Trustfactor App setup is only needed in the first time that the user boots up the application. Further registrations do not need the setup.