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Virtual Agents

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Virtual Agents main function is to emulate a real device, mainly for development use when a real mobile agent is not available. This functionality allows tests such as enrollment, transaction decision, profile sharing, backup and recovery.

Virtual Agents List

Create Virtual Agent

When creating a Virtual Agent, you are registering a "TFVA" device (that is the make and model shown in the Devices tab), and you can choose the location and authentication mechanisms (Biometrics and Password). This is akin to installing the mobile agent application on an Android or iOS device.

Virtual Agents Create

Virtual Agent Details


You will be able to view and edit the device settings if necessary.

Virtual Agents Settings

Virtual Agents Settings Edit


You will be able to view and manage profiles: register, share, remove, recover and create backup.

Virtual Agents Profiles List

Profile Registration

In order to enroll a virtual agent with a profile from your application, you must first use the SDK to obtain a registration deep link URL, just like in a real TrustFactor agent. This is akin to scanning a QR code or opening a registration deep link with the TrustFactor App.

To register the profile, open the Virtual Agent you wish to enroll and access the "Profiles" tab. Use the "Add +" button to open the input box where you can enter the deep link URL to complete the registration.

Virtual Agents Profiles Registration

Profile Share/Remove

You can remove or share profiles between Virtual Agents, just like in the real agent apps.

Virtual Agents Profiles Share/Remove


To remove profiles from the Virtual Agent, click on the "Share/Remove" button, then select which profiles you want to remove and finally click on the "Remove" button.


To share profiles from the Virtual Agent, click on the "Share/Remove" button, then select which profiles you want to share, finally click on the "Share" button and select which Virtual Agent you want to share and click on "Share".

Virtual Agents Profiles Share

In the example you can see that in the Virtual Agent "Virtual Agent #2", it contains the profiles that were previously shared.

Virtual Agents Profiles Share Verify

Profile Backup/Recover

Here you can generate a backup or recover profiles (using the code generated by a backup).

Virtual Agents Profiles Backup/Recover


To generate a backup, click on the "Backup/Recover" button and then on "Create backup" and wait until the request finishes and the recovery code is displayed.

Virtual Agents Profiles Backup


To perform the recovery, press the "Backup/Recover" button, then "Recover" and enter the recovery code.

Virtual Agents Profiles Recover

Then select the profiles you want to recover and wait for the response, if it is not possible to recover any profile, the reason will be displayed.

Virtual Agents Profiles Recover Metadata

Virtual Agents Profiles Recover Resume


Here will appears all active transactions, generated for all profiles associated to the current device.

Virtual Agents Transactions