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Release Notes

Changelog - 5.0.7 (latest)

- Fix some translations (en-US, pt-PT)

Changelog - 5.0.6

- Update some dependencies

Changelog - 5.0.5

- Fix google maps CSP (nginx)
- Fix some translations (en-US, pt-PT)

Changelog - 5.0.4

- Fix error when editing application (callback authentication area)
- Add & Fix some translations (en-US, pt-PT)

Changelog - 5.0.3

- Fix devices list when api return 204 response
- Fix some translations (en-US, pt-PT)
- Fix sha256sum value in terms and conditions details modal

Changelog - 5.0.2

- Fix minor bugs

Changelog - 5.0.1

- Fix bugs
- Fix some translations (en-US, pt-PT)

Changelog - 5.0.0

- Improve UI
- Improve Performance

Changelog - v4.8.2

- Fix contract details permissions to show some elements

Changelog - v4.8.1

- Fix contrat details revalidation date change
- Changing some html/css code to allow printing the document to pdf

Changelog - v4.8.0

- Add contract revalidation event
- Add contract list & details

Changelog - v4.7.0

- Add Authentication provider to application settings
- Change all dates strings to show according the ISO 8601

Changelog - v4.6.0

- Add T&C listing & details
- Add device location to devices list

Changelog - v4.5.0

- Event feed datails, show timestamp and CID values
- Virtual agents - Show a list of failed shared contracts

Changelog - v4.4.0

- Handle application callback errors (virtual agents)
- Change Error logs default 'Created At' filter value, to be 30 mins
- Show Error logs details in new tab
- Remove contract_key filter from transactions list
- Add button on successful creation of API Token to add event in calendar (to renew, containing all information about token)
- Implement lazy loading in get permissions request
- Handle error codes when api return error 500 (or other mapped status code)
- Add support to filter by CID on Error logs list

Changelog - v4.3.0

- Add Virtual Agents
- Implement scrollbar on sidebar
- Fix bug on change application via app selector

Changelog - v4.2.0

- Changing the behavior of table filters, allowing the use of relative periodic filters
- Changing the behavior of table filters, allowing it to be possible to copy filters without them being applied
- Add more information to event history details screen
- Fix event history list to support transactions sibs and sibs_v2
- Changing the behavior of opening details screen in transactions,event history lists
- Fix dropdown filter with multiple values selected (UI bug)
- Add share links on devices and logs lists
- Fix duplicated tables requests
- Fix exclusive filters cleanup
- Fix label on device history search bar

Changelog - v4.1.0

- Add missing information to transaction details screen
- Change red asterisk to (1) superscript to avoid confusion with required field (table filters)
- Add password-requiments on change password screen
- Export log data as CSV
- Implement share link on transactions screen
- Implement share link transaction details
- Fix 404 error when click on button "back" in event history pages
- Fix status toggle on operations list

Changelog - v4.0.1

- Fix navigation to back in event history pages

Changelog - v4.0.0

- Add event history page
- Add error logs page
- Change refresh data on dashboard page to use signalr
- Add support to exact match legend on table filter
- Transaction details (modal), show button to download proof
- Fix change language on your account screen
- Fix all date formatting according to preferred language

Changelog - v3.1.2

- Fix error on create app, inputs validation

Changelog - v3.1.1

- Fix renew session flow
- Add transaction proof download
- Add transaction proof validator
- Add support to marketing name on devices list

Changelog - v3.1.0

- Fix edit roles when role is locked
- Add support to secundary endpoint
- Add support to iPadOS on list of devices and dashboard

Changelog - v3.0.3

- Show transaction_id in transaction details modal
- Dashboard - Separating digits in graphics
- Fix permission validation to see dashboard page

Changelog - v3.0.2

- Update pipelines

Changelog - v3.0.1

- Fix fallback image on application selector

Changelog - v3.0.0

- Fix rule template condition modal when is closed to allow reopen
- Fix bug on transaction details risk_modules
- Replace functionalities endpoints to remove deprecated endpoints
- Add lock_out information on devices list

Changelog - v2.16.4

- Fix edit rule templates

Changelog - v2.16.3

- Fix operation presets page
- Fix device delete button in devices page

Changelog - v2.16.2

- Fix dropdown hover top bar while editing operation
- Fix dashboard tooltips
- Fix max results alert message on devices screen
- Fix operation parameter risk buttons: add rule,edit rule, delete rule

Changelog - v2.16.1

- Fix of max results warning message on devices list page
- Fix Dashboard transactions counter

Changelog - v2.16.0

- Add Dashboard PAGE
- Add RTAS back-end and front-end address in RTAS configuration pages
- Fix RTAS status toggle
- Fix bug on sidebar list when change preferred language

Changelog - v2.15.3

- Add pipeline id for e2e tests

Changelog - v2.15.2

- Add toogles to enable functionalities on create application screen
- Fix bug on edit application page to update the input values when inputs are changed multiple times

Changelog - v2.15.1

- Fix visual bug on create v2 application screen

Changelog - v2.15.0

- Add functionality access manager into settings -> functionalities screen
- Hide button of transaction details when transaction doesn't have details to show (pending)
- Add pophover on pagination on "..." button to choose page number to navigate
- Update internal dependecies
- Add suggested username on registration screen
- Fix some navigation inside admin area
- Fix limit/offset on API token applications list

Changelog - v2.14.2

- Fix administration roles screen navigation

Changelog - v2.14.1

- Fix administration roles screen navigation
- Fix oidc login/registration screens

Changelog - v2.14.0

- Add toogle to enable/disable email notifications
- Fix bug in pagination when changing the current page
- Fix broken URL path on settings, functionalities pages
- Fix validation of user permissions to access the settings page
- Change some labels on SIBS3DS V2 transaction details
- Fix API Tokens creation with multiple applications

Changelog - v2.13.1

- Fix callback timeout retro-compatibility on application settings

Changelog - v2.13.0

- Fix renew session flow
- Fix bug in pagination when changing the items per page in tables
- Change callback timeout on application settings to 1...30 seconds
- Remove unnecessary requests on operations page
- Fix requests when user switches from one app to another

Changelog - v2.12.0

- Add Transaction ID filter to transaction list
- Add security-related HTTP response headers

Changelog - v2.11.1

- Improve labels and translations
- Add action field to simulator on generic transactions screen
- Pagination is now limited to 100 requests, users must adjust their filters to get full results
- Fix bug in setting strict mode when editing money-v2 rules in operations
- Optimize API requests

Changelog - v2.11.0

- Improve labels and translations
- Add Realtime Authentication functionality
- Add new column and filter "Association date" into devices list

Changelog - v2.10.0

- Moved transaction duration in operations to the basic settings screen
- Added operations step names
- Small improvements on labels and tooltips
- Fix pagination bug (returning to page 1 in a table)