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Decide pending Operations

You can start the decision flow using three methods, from a link, from a notification or from fetched pending events. First, you need to start a decision flow, there are three ways to do it:

Client requirements

Create a decision flow

// using passing the operation object
let decision = try trustfactorClient.startOperationDecision(for: <TFOperation.RawIdentifier>, on: <TFApplicationProfile.RawIdentifier>, context: .history)

// using a decision URL (context is infered as ".deeplink")
let decision = try trustfactorClient.startOperationDecision(url: <URL>)

// using a notification (context is infered as ".pushNotification")
guard case let .operation(operationData, error) = try trustfactorClient.parsePushNotificatioUserInfo(_ userInfo: <[AnyHashable: Any]>) else {
return // not the notification type we expect here

guard let operationData, error == nil else {
// handle error

let decision = try trustfactorClient.startOperationDecision(for: operationData)

Get operations details

// get details: mandatory
decision.getOperationDetails() { result in
switch result {
case .success(let operation):
// handle operation details

case .failure(let error):
// handle error

Add checkpoints

Checkpoints are not mandatory but we encourage their usage.

// Add this checkpoint if/when a Summary of the operation is shown to the user.
// Add this checkpoint when the full list of details is presented to the user.


Some Operations require the user to authenticate using a PIN, Biometry or both. It's important to keep in mind that the validation of the required authentication mechanisms is only done during the decision.


There's no need to set authentications if the user is rejecting the operation.

 // add PIN authentication
if operationDetails.requiredAuthentications?.contains(.pin) {
try decision.addAuthentication(.pin(<string>))
// add biometric authentication
if operation.requiredAuthentications?.contains(.biometrics) {
try decision.addAuthentication(.biometric(context: <LAContext>))


decision.reject() { result, correlationId in
// handle result

// OR

decision.approve() { result, correlationId in
// handle result